All remaining zines from 2022 and 2023! Here's what you'll get:
Issue 16, released in March of 2022, focuses on the theme of BRIGHT. From acidic coffee to light shining through the darkness, it's a celebration of making it through another long winter.
Issue 18, September's issue takes a COMPLEX approach to - well, everything. Coffee, emotions, life are all nuanced in their own ways, and this issue goes there beautifully. Plus just check out the snake/coffee illustration on the cover. I mean come on.
Issue 19 came along in DARK December. It features the gritty, gloomy, grunge of existence - the dark places and dark roasts we often avoid. And yet it's a gorgeous example of how embracing the full spectrum really makes life worthwhile.
Issue 21 features FIRE - passion, burning, hot, etc. It has a loose focus on roasting and roasters, but also includes plenty of work about other thematic elements of FIRE.