BLM & Anti-Racism Resources

Need some resources on anti-racism in (and out of) the coffee sphere? HERE YA GO!

This is by no means a comprehensive list of all that's out there. It's meant to be a beginning, an accessible entry point, a place to start. Now YOU have to do the work. There are plenty of other resources out there. Google it. Ask Siri to help you. Listen to BIPOC and search for the answers that are already out there.

Coffee Specific Resources:

"Supporting PoC Coffee Pros" in Issue 05 of Coffee People Zine (March 2019)
on Spotify (compiled by Kendra Sledzinski)
     ^ follow each of these podcasts/series and the folx who made them!
"Strong Black Coffee" article by Phyllis Johnson (Nov/Dec 2018 Roast Magazine)
"Addressing Anti-Blackness in Specialty Coffee" article by Umeko Motoyoshi (June 19, 2020 as part of Urnex's Biocaf Sustainability Series)
"Race and Specialty Coffee Webinar" with Candice Madison and Phyllis Johnson, (hosted by The Crown by Royal)
"How Coffee Roasters Can Contribute to the Anti-Racism Movement" by O.M. Miles (released by the Coffee Roasters Guild)

Black-Owned Coffee Shops:

"Support these Black Owned Coffee Companies [Updating]" by Sprudge
"Black Owned Coffee Shops to Support" (in NYC, LA, the Bay, Chicago) by @dripkitcoffee on Instagram
"More Black Owned Coffee Shops to Support" (in Atlanta, Philly, Portland, Seattle, DC) by @dripkitcoffee on Instagram
"More Black Owned Coffee Shops to Support" (in Denver, Houston, Minneapolis, New Orleans, Phoenix) by @dripkitcoffeeon Instagram
"Black Owned Coffee Shops" (in NYC, DC, and LA) by @hippypotter on Instagram
"Black Owned Coffee Shops in DFW" by @brhown.skinned on Instagram
"Black Owned Coffee Roasters" by Coffee Is People on Instagram

Coffee Non-Profits Working for Black Communities:

Getchu Some Gear
Coffee & Tax
GlitterCat Bootcamps

Mental Health & Wellness Resources for BIPOC:

Mental Health Resources by Sunshine Behavioral Health
61 BIPOC Addiction & Mental Health Resources, by The Summit Wellness Group
African American Addiction & Mental Health Support, by Live Another Day
Basis Medical: 18 BIPOC Chiropractic & Holistic Wellness Resources
Black Men Matter - Examining Mental Health Issues Among Black Men, A Guide to Freedom by Drug Rehab USA

Resources for Non-BIPOC People (Allies):

"A starting place for individuals trying to become better allies" Google Doc with 5 weeks of resources in 10/25/45 minutes a day, by Autumn Gupta with Bryanna Wallace
"Me and White Supremacy" Book & Workbook by Layla F. Saad (28-day journey to confronting and dismantling your intrinsic white supremacy)
"White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack" by Peggy McIntosh (PDF that details racism as a systems issue that benefits people with white skin and harms those without)
"Solidarity Checklist" Google Doc with an ever-evolving list of info/resources/links for non-BIPOC allies

Minneapolis/St Paul Support:

Resources to Support the Minneapolis Protests - The city where George Floyd was killed
Twin Cities Mutual Aid - A map and list of donation/distribution centers around Minneapolis/St Paul


Travel Website/Resources: Travel Noire - I use this website when visiting new cities, to look up Black-owned food&bev spots


White Fragility Mixtape (on Spotify) by Dirt - A playlist of music, comedy, podcasts, and speeches for white people/anyone interested in deepening their personal anti-racist work. This is a place to start.

"Fraught Empathy: Privilege & White Guilt in Contemporary Portraiture" article by Dirt (May 8, 2018)
"A Syllabus For Making Work About Race as a White Artist in America" by Ryan Wong at Hypoallergic (April 6, 2017) - A 4-week series of prompts geared toward white folx to confront their place in creating artwork on race (hint: confront your whiteness)

Other Resources for BIPOC:

"Financial Literacy in the Black Community" by Annuity.com

Support Black Owned Businesses:

Website Planet's list of Black Owned Businesses

Know of amazing and helpful resources we've missed? Please email kat@coffeepeople.org with suggestions.