Coffee People Music / Volume 02

This is the second volume of Coffee People Music, a compilation album of tunes created by folx who work in and around specialty coffee.

We've picked a track from each artist to share as part of this album. Click on the song title to listen to that song. Some songs will play on our media player, others will link to Spotify or Bandcamp or the artist's page.
Click on the artist's name to link to their Spotify, Bandcamp, or other page.

Coffee People Music / Volume 02

"Colorado" by Exit Liberty (on Spotify)
James Diana (he/him) / Drums
Product Documentation Specialist / Allegro Coffee / Thornton, CO
Eric Ames / Vocals & Guitar
Sean Donnelly / Bass 

"Y Tu Padres También" by The Forbin Project (on Spotify)
Danny Hernandez (he/him) / Store Lead
Fellow / San Francisco, CA

"Tilting at Windmills" by Erostratus (on Spotify)
Ed Kaufmann (he/him) / Trader
Interamerican Coffee / Brooklyn, NY
*New album "Drawn" just released April 2019*

"Fool" by Maura Edith Raymond (on Bandcamp)
Maura Edith Raymond (she/her) / Beverage Director
Amélie’s French Bakery / Charlotte, NC

"Anchor & Bass" by Magalie Rondeau (project CHÉRIE on Bandcamp)
Magalie Rondeau / Leader of Education & Tech
Kaito Coffee / QC, Canada

"Hand Me Down My Old White Hat" by Ellan Ruth
Ellan Ruth (she/her) / Oakland, CA

"Take Me Dancin" by Ghost Honey (on Bandcamp)
Sam Jones (he/him) / Guitar & Vocals
Manager / Black Eye Coffee / Denver, CO
Caitlin Quinn (she/her) / Guitar

"Nat Harvie's Birthday" by Nat Harvie (on Spotify) (also on Bandcamp)
Becca DeBoer / Barista & Trainer
Duluth Coffee Company / Duluth, MN
Nat Harvie (they/them) / Lead Vocals & Guitar
Sammi Williams (she/her) / Drums

"Fake It" by Artificial Stars (on Spotify)
Jesus Jesús Iñiguez (he/him) / Bass, Vocals
Barista / Archetype Coffee / Omaha, NE
Jeff Koithan / Guitar, Vocals
Neil Strub / Guitar, Vocals
Luke Sweeney / Drums

"Blood in My Teeth" by Feelings (on Bandcamp)
Joel Bigelow / Barista
Messenger Coffee / Kansas City, MO