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LGBTQ+ Resources

Need some resources on LGBTQ+ issues in (and out of) the coffee sphere? HERE YA GO!

This is by no means a comprehensive list of all that's out there. It's meant to be a beginning, an accessible entry point, a place to start. Now YOU have to do the work. There are plenty of other resources out there. Google it. Ask Siri to help you. Listen to queer folx and search for the answers that are already out there.

Coffee Specific Resources:

"Trans and Caffeinated" blog/website by Arielle Rebekah Gordon
"A Queer Coffee Resource Guide" article by Katrina Yentch for Barista Magazine Online (June 2019)

Queer-Owned Coffee Shops:

"Coffee As A Queer Space: Past and Present" article by RJ Joseph for Sprudge (April 2018)

Non-Coffee Resources for LGBTQ Allies:



Misc. Resources:

TransLifeline877-565-8860 - the first trans-run suicide hotline

Know of amazing and helpful resources we've missed? Please email with suggestions.