Did a year go by already?! Whether it felt like a week or a lifetime, we've captured 2020 with a bundle of zines released over the course of this historic year. Each issue has been influenced by COVID, sure, but we also recognize that this creative coffee community is so much more than closed cafés and at-home brew recipes.
Issue 08, released in March of 2020, was put together before quarantines, lockdowns, and isolation, but it was released in the middle of the panic.
Issue 09 focuses exclusively on content created in the first few months of quarantine, from March through June. It's a testament to all we were going through and how we were dealing in the early days.
Issue 10 features work by Black creatives in coffee, their pain, joy, challenges, triumphs, and overall resilience. We amplify the voices we all should be listening to.
Issue 11 holds space for "The Longest Night" - a loose theme on mental health and making it through the toughest, darkest times.
While you're at it, sign up for the Coffee Person Subscription so you'll get fresh zines as they're released - no need to wait for the nostalgia to set in. (Click here)