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Issue 19

Regular price $20.00

Release Date: December 21, 2022

Issue 19 / DARK
DARK coffee has gotten a bad rap over the years, but what's life without a little DARKness? This issue features DARK work by a variety of artists around the world. There are also 3 commissioned articles in this zine connecting the DARK theme to coffee, creativity, and community. From a historical look at religious damnation of coffee, to the pressure to process trauma into art, to finding community during the DARK times - each piece brings a new perspective to what DARK can mean.

PLUS you have the option to get our super special add-in, Finca Cariño, for just $5 (in contrast to $6 retail). It's a stand-alone short piece of fiction about a special coffee fermentation technique, the women coffee farmers who invented it, and a greedy businessman who tries to steal their secret (but ends up finding out another secret in the process). It's an absolutely amazing creative story written by Brennan D. Rodriguez and illustrated by John Vazquez specifically as our subscribers-only add-in. But we wanted to give you the opportunity to check it out, too. It's just that good.

Pages: 116
Size: 6x9"
Contributors: 59+
Add-in: Coffee People Zine Sticker

Small Biz Feature (sponsored by Oatly) : Vignette Coffee Roasters

Pacific Barista Series, Oatly, Atlas Coffee Importers, La Marzocco, Black & White Coffee Roasters, Ulu Kona Coffee, Cherry Coffee Shop, Café Imports, GH Grinding & Brewing Solutions